Kids playing at the Atlantis Fun Center


Games for Grades

Atlantis would like to reward you for your hard work! Games for Grades is a program that rewards you for your classroom efforts. Redeeming your grades is simple:

• Bring a copy of your report card into the Atlantis Fun Center
• Present your report card to the supervisor on-duty
• You will receive: $3.00 for each A and $2.00 for each B*
• The total amount will be applied to your game card**
*Only core subjects are eligible to receive such as math, science, English, etc. Elective or supplementary subjects such as P.E., shop, band, etc. do not apply to the Games for Grades program. No reward will be given for those types of courses. Reward amounts shall not exceed $10.

Kids' Meal Game Cards
Receive a 40% discount on a $12 game card when you present your receipt for any kids' meal from Chicago Dogs! Eatery. Ask your server for more information.